Singapore restaurants are impressive in quality and quantity.
Singapore restaurants are unbelievably huge in number with varying degrees in price, taste, and cuisine, and almost all countries you can possibly think of are represented.
Few cities have so many qualified restaurants that cover every food budget from a few dollars to the sky is the limit. Also something as exotic as Michelin food is offered for under 3 us dollars.
When in Singapore, there’s one thing that’s a must: Eat really good food, you can afford it and you deserve it. You can do that not only at Singapore’s restaurants but on many street corners. The whole range of food is covered from hawker food to gourmet restaurants, including those with Michelin stars. Food is such an important part of Singapore’s culture that the citizens can easily drive to the opposite side of the city for a good meal, much as you would do in Italy. Distance is simply not an acceptable excuse to enjoy a good meal.
You do not have to travel far to satisfy your hunger:
There are more than 6000 food places in Singapore
You really have more than 6000 restaurants plus street food to choose from! Did you see Anthony Bourdain in The Layover, where he gave good tips on the food culture in Singapore and only has about 24 hours in town? You wanted to see a man who really had to choose and discipline and even ended up eating more than most people with a blissful smile about the lip to give us all a picture of the possibilities. Thanks for your contribution, Anthony. May you rest in peace.
A rich multicultural culture is the basis of the selection in Singapore restaurants
The rich multicultural culture is one of the reasons for the wide variety of offers. You can find the classic Chinese kitchens, which are widely different, finding halal food, several Indian cuisines like Peranakan and Nonya, and of course Malaysian and Indonesian. In addition, you meet the other Asian cuisines like Thai, Korea, Vietnam, and Japan. Everybody is here, and also international cuisine as well as French and Italian. Yes “you name it, we got it” is well the short version.
Michelin street food in Singapore!
Read more about Singapore’s restaurants and their great selection of delicious food here including Michelin food for under $3 dollars!
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