Cuba as a free and internationally recognized country was a vision for many people and for many years. It got a lot closer when the United States and Cuba resumed diplomatic relations in 2015, and President Barack Obama visited the country as the first US president for 88 years. At the same time, it became easier to travel to Cuba, but a US trade embargo has also been maintained under Donald Trump. But you can visit Cuba from a lot of countries, and it is definitely worth it.
Cuba is perhaps best known for being a battlefield in the political war between the US and the Soviet Union during the Cuba crisis, culminating in 1962 and before it in a liberation war against the Spaniards a few hundred years ago. Fortunately, it never came to the open world-war, as some feared, although Cuba today is still considered a communist regime. The country’s economy has since suffered from a trade embargo from the United States, which has been both a cause and a symptom of a cool relationship between the two. Despite the fact that Cuba is only 90 miles from Key West, FL, the United States, this has meant that the island known for its beautiful country, superior cigars and colorful old cars havs been difficult to reach for most Americans. But in 2015, relations between the two countries began to improve, and this has led to new opportunities for tourism. The New York Times wrote in a May 2015 article that there are possibilities that were unthinkable six months ago. Furthermore, they wrote about how it is now with Americans who want to experience the island. On the one hand, this has meant that the hotel and restaurant industry has grown considerably since then and that the place will be more geared towards visitors. On the other hand, one can also fear that the island will now be left less authentic and increasingly will be Americanized when free trade and travel is in order. However, it is true that the traces of decades under the communist rule will still be able to be found, although the cities will probably experience growth in the future. The capital Havana, with its 2.2 million people, is the largest city in the Caribbean. Regardless of whether you prefer to wait until the economy has come in and the country is properly up and running, or would like to experience the “real” Cuba, one should definitely consider the possibility of booking a trip with one of the many travel companies that now has begun to fly to the island.
Old Havana
Hemingway’s Havana
Vinales descend
Morro Castle
Che Guevara Mausoleum
A long weekend in Cuba, music, history and culture
Zicasso luxury tours to Cuba from the US.
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