City ​​Breaks

City breaks, a lot of travel pleasure in a short period of time

City breaks are defined by traveling to a destination with a lot to see within a short radius, and there are a pulse and dynamic and many new impressions in a short period of time. City breaks and weekend breaks are the perfect types of vacation for a shorter trip with a maximum experience factor. A long weekend or a themed trip about experiences, culture, and good food and wine. It is probably not the most perfect travel form for a family with children. The little ones get astonishing quickly tired legs and feel bored a little or much over being dragged from attraction to attraction.

City trips provide good exercise

Typically you can stroll around the interesting parts of any major city for the most part, and you will get astonished at how good the exercise is in a city break trip on foot. Often you walk 15-20 km a day without thinking much about the many miles and kilometers while collecting experiences, and knowledge and capturing it all on mobile and camera.

City breaks from most of the world. 

City breaks in Europe:

City breaks in Asia

Travel destinations for America. 

In South America, you can soon enjoy city break inspiration to:

  • Buenos Aires in Argentina
  • Sucre in Bolivia
  • Brasília inBrazil
  • Santiago in Chile
  • Bogotá in Columbia
  • Quito in Ecuador
  • Georgetown in Guyana
  • Asunción in Paraguay
  • Lima in Peru
  • Paramaribo in Suriname
  • Montevideo in Uruguay
  • Caracas in Venezuela

Capital cities of each country are in parenthesis. Argentina (Buenos Aires), Bolivia (Sucre), Brazil (Brasília), Chile (Santiago), Colombia (Bogotá), Ecuador (Quito), Guyana (Georgetown), Paraguay (Asunción), Peru (Lima), Suriname (Paramaribo), Uruguay (Montevideo) and Venezuela (Caracas)

All the countries “behind the mentioned cities” are already on
City break as a theme trip category is constantly evolving.

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