
 - U.S. Virgin Islands

The US Virgin Islands

The Virgin Islands describes an almost shameful period in Denmark’s history, where the then poor country and today one of the richest sold the islands under economic pressure in 1917 after a referendum in 1916 during the First World War. The islands have ever since belonged to the US. The price was 25 mill. USD. You can only get a few of the best residences on the islands for that price, a real estate agent would probably have added. The Danes then in the historical context that prevailed, especially produced sugar and rum with the inhabitants as “employees” under real slave-like conditions.

A gorgeous view from above the harbor in Cruz Bay on the island of St. John, in the US Virgin Islands. St. John is a fantastic place to pursue outdoor recreation activities such as hiking, swimming, snorkeling, scuba diving, kayaking, and fishing. St. John is a popular day trip destination for cruise ship passengers visiting nearby St. Thomas.

A gorgeous view from above the harbor in Cruz Bay on the island of St. John, in the US Virgin Islands. St. John is a fantastic place to pursue outdoor recreation activities such as hiking, swimming, snorkeling, scuba diving, kayaking, and fishing. St. John is a popular day trip destination for cruise ship passengers visiting nearby St. Thomas.

The Danish era for the Virgin IslandsThe islands were Danish-owned already from the 1700s and “acquired” in several temps. So it is an integral part of Danish history over several centuries that was lost in 1917. It is also about self-understanding and curiosity to see the islands with your own eyes when you arrive at The Virgin Islands. From slavery to freedom and prosperity for many more than then.  It’s an emotional journey. And what meets one is the most beautiful islands, the friendliest people and the great warm travel experience.

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