Going to Albania? This year’s the perfect time to visit

Albania – a new country to visit! 

Albania was a very closed country for a long time. From World War II until his death in 1985, the Communist dictator Enver Hoxha ruled the country with a more than a firm hand. The dictatorship fell in 1992. Although one can still see traces of the old regime in the form of abandoned military bunkers, and monuments, the country has decisively begun its journey toward the future. It is exciting to visit a country that has been isolated for so long and now opens the window to the outside world. And one may add, it is a beautiful country.

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Excursions and historic towns and attractions in Albania

Albania’s nature is characterized by high mountains and spectacular waterfalls. Around the quiet mountain villages, the shepherds’ everyday life is as it always has been, for centuries at least. And going around the villages is like going back in time. The fountain of the Blue Eye, the archaeological site Butrint and the historic town of Gjirokastër are excursion destinations, all of which are exciting and different. From Durres, you can visit the capital, Tirana, cross the border with Macedonia at Lake Ohrid or take a boat trip from the town of Vlora.

Albania Kruje restaurant

Albania Kruje restaurant

Cheap restaurant visits in Albania

The Albanian cuisine is characterized by the Italian and Greek and neighboring Turkish cuisine as well as local specialties. The restaurants serve everything from seafood and risotto to local dishes and pastries. The national drink is called Raki and is a kind of brandy. In Albania, it is cheap to go out to a restaurant, calculate half price compared to home, depending.

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