Transylvania and Count Dracula invite you to a rather different castle holiday
Please accept my invitation to visit my castle in Transylvania and enjoy your stay!
Transylvania is actually located in Romania and Transylvania is mostly known for various vampire films, but it is a real place and rather spectacular.
Perhaps Roman Polanski’s The Fearless Vampire Killers, or Pardon Me, But Your Teeth Are in My Neck from 1967 is the most famous and cult-forming vampire of all. Something so relatively rare as a horror-comedy. You know: Fear and laugh, but mostly the first. You hardly have any specially developed desire to stay overnight in a large humid and ice-cold castle and be sucked for all blood after midnight by Count Dracula. But the possibility is there to donate to the Transylvanian “blood bank” 🙂

Beautiful, gentle landscapes in the Carpathian mountains
Oddly enough, this is not what happens in Transylvania mostly. There are beautiful, gentle landscapes between the Carpathian mountains in the middle of Romania, filled with picturesque medieval towns strewn with castles and castles like sugar on a donut, but Transylvania is irrevocably known for the myth and wandering legend of Count Dracula, which achieved world fame with the British author Bram Stoker’s horror story and subsequent movie stories about the thirsty and slightly – to put it gently – deviant vampire, so maybe you meet him in Transylvania or you are lucky just to have a great vacation! The statistics say clearly you get a good holiday. In any case, the myth has not damaged tourism in Transylvania. In fact, you can (almost) be completely safe both staying at a vampire guarantee castle or holding your next business conference or your silver wedding or your mother-in-law’s round birthday in Transylvania. Just think of sending the invitation.

Relevant links to adventure travels and Rumania
Intro to Romania, where, what and why
Official Romanian tourist website
Transylvania; dare you to visit?
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