Kenya from the beaches to the big safari plains

Kenya no doubt has some of the very best African travel offers

Kenya offers wonderful wildlife viewing opportunities in the grassy plains of the Masai Mara and in the folds of the Rift Valley, while Tsavo National Park is considered one of the best places in Africa to see elephants, lions and leopards.

Kenya has some of the world’s best game reserves and, depending on where you live, you’ll see giraffes, lions, leopards and huge herds of zebra, buffalo and wildebeest. If you’re here for the annual wildebeest migration, consider seeing it on a balloon safari … Northern Kenya is home to some fascinating tribes that still lead a more traditional way of life. If you are interested in a cultural and animal experience, then head north.
And it is one of the main bird watching destinations in the world.

So much to do in Kenya

Maybe: Observe the great migration of the Maasai Mara

Each year, millions of wildebeest, zebra and other antelope migrate together from Serengeti National Park in Tanzania to the Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya. Their exact movements are dictated by the rains but usually, the flocks enter the country in August and spend September and November grazing in the lush southern plains. The Great Migration (and the crossing of the Mara in particular) is one of the most emblematic natural spectacles in the world. The Maasai Mara is also home to the Big Five and is famous for its predator sightings. To be sure to participate in the action, consider staying in a mobile camp like Enaidura or Nkorombo.


Photograph of flamingos in Lake Nakuru National Park

Located in central Kenya, Lake Nakuru National Park is nestled at the bottom of the Great Rift Valley and is famous for its vast lake of soda. It occupies about a third of the total area of ​​the park and attracts hundreds of thousands of pink and larger flamingos who come to marry, raise their young and feed on lake algae. Although pollution has forced flamingos to migrate elsewhere in recent years, recent clean-up efforts have allowed many of them to return to Lake Nakuru. Flamingos aside, the park is a hotspot for birdwatching with over 450 other bird species. It is also home to lions, leopards and white rhinos. and its spectacular euphorbia forest is the largest in Africa. Admission costs $ 60 per adult per day.

Donkeys of Lamu Island

Lamu Island is off the northern coast of Kenya near the Somali border. Founded in 1370, it is the oldest continuously inhabited colony in the country and has remained largely unchanged over the centuries.

The streets are narrow (often no more than two shoulders), which means that it is impossible to cross the island by car. Instead, there are donkeys – more than 6,000 of them, used to transport goods and people across the city.

These animals are so important that the largest non-profit organization on the island is a donkey sanctuary and one of the two cars on the island is an ambulance for donkeys. Each year, the Lamu Cultural Festival celebrates animals by organizing a donkey race on the beaches of the island. Thousands gather to watch local donkey jockeys compete for the title.

Hiking Mount Kenya

Mount Kenya carries a whole range of praise.

It is not only Africa’s second highest mountain, located almost on the equator, but also a UNESCO World Heritage site and a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve.

It’s also a national park … in fact!

The 3rd summit of Mount Kenya is usually the summit reached by most hikers and many guided tours follow different routes to get there.

The altitude and challenge of this hike must be taken very seriously, but if you decide to take up the challenge, the view and experience will be second to none.

Soak up views in Watamu

And continuing on the Kenyan coast, just north of Kilifi, is the seaside town of Watamu, located near the town of Malindi.

Visiting Watamu for a day or two is certainly one of the best things to do in Kenya if you like to be dazzled by spectacular beaches and / or visit ancient ruins nestled in the nearby jungle.
And do not forget to indulge in a little gelato or a good espresso while immersing yourself in the incredible views of the coast at Watamu – the plethora of Italian tourists guarantees high quality ice cream and coffee … yes, it’s please!

Follow in the footsteps of Bill Gates in Eldoret

Located near the Ugandan border, Eldoret is a charming mountain town located in the Rift Valley, which is an excellent starting point for Kenya if you want to cross the border or discover some of the many surrounding attractions.

However, the city that deserves his fame most is his connection to Bill Gates, who spends a lot of time in his founding work.

In fact, you can spend a night where Bill normally stays, for a great price!

Although I’m sure Mr. Gates has the red carpet and the suite has been decorated for him, camping at Naiberi River Campsite & Resort is cheap, and the incredible underground lounge with a big fire is a true delight for this mountainous city

The structure of Fort Jesus resembles the shape of a human body, with its head turned towards the sea. The structure is an interesting mix of colonial and indigenous techniques. It is a showcase of Renaissance military architecture built with locally available coral stone and lime mortar, which have been worked according to local techniques.

Fort Jesus

Fort Jesus was completed in 1596. It was commissioned by King Philip I of Portugal and designed by the famous architect Giovanni Battista Cairati. Over the next 300 years, the fort changed at least ten times in his hands, with the Arabs, Swahili and Omanis. The British compete to own it. The possession of this strategic fort indicated the power of a given government to control trade over the Indian Ocean.

The original walls, designed to withstand cannonballs, once measured nearly 15 feet (15 meters), and the Omani increased their height by 9 feet. In the end, the walls were used not only to prevent the invaders from returning, but also to prevent people from settling there. The British converted the fort into a prison in 1895 and did so until 1958, when it was declared a national monument. And in 2011, the fort became a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Amboseli National Park, Kenya Elephants

Amboseli National Park, Kenya Elephants

Go on a hunt for elephants at Amboseli National Park

If seeing big flocks of elephants up close is at the top of your Kenya wish list, be sure to visit Amboseli National Park. Located in the extreme south of the country, the reserve is renowned for its remarkable sightings of elephants against a spectacular backdrop of snowy Mount Kilimanjaro (visible on the other side of the Tanzanian border). A variety of habitats makes the park a hotspot for other species of animals and birds. Do not miss the three big cats, the endangered African wild dog and no less than 600 types of birds. Masai villages on the outskirts of Amboseli offer the opportunity for in-depth cultural visits. The best time to go is June to October and admission is $ 60 per adult.

Amboseli National Park, Kenya zebras

Amboseli National Park, Kenya zebras

Admire the desolate beauty of Lake Turkana

Also known as the Jade Sea for its pale green color, Lake Turkana is the largest permanent desert lake on the planet. It is a destination off the beaten track for those who love the breathtaking beauty, with its bare shores and salt water that is home to the largest concentration of Nile crocodiles in the world. Crocodiles breed on the central island, a national park with three active volcanoes. You can also see here hippopotamuses and large flocks of flamingos, but the main attraction is the lunar landscape. Lake Turkana is also of great anthropological importance as a site for discovering some of the earliest fossils of hominids ever discovered. If you want to visit, go quickly – the lake is threatened by the Gilgel Gibe III Dam in Ethiopia.

Kenya, woman holding her braided hair

Kenya, a woman holding her braided hair

Bomas of Kenya

Considered “Kenya in miniature”, Bomas of Kenya is a tourist village and cultural center six kilometers from Nairobi. It features replicas of traditional farms, or bomas, of 23 Kenyan ethnic groups, as well as traditional dances performed in its grand auditorium.


Training for a marathon in Iten

Perched on the heights near Eldoret, Iden is known for its long distance runners – multiple Olympic gold medalists and world record holders.

Kenya Experience offers race camps and expert training at its high altitude training center in Iten.

And Eliud Kipchoge. Kenya now in October 2019 is now the first marathon runner under 2 hours, what a feat!


Where to stay

Safari and Sleep

Guests at Ol Donyo Wuas have exclusive access to one of the last remaining wilderness areas in East Africa, 300,000 acres of plains under Mount Kilimanjaro. The accommodation is divided into seven bush cottages, with a communal dining room, a swimming pool and a water point. Many of the cottages are perfect for a family, making it one of the best places to stay in Kenya if you are trying to give your kids an epic safari experience.

At the edge of a large water, point is the camp of the little governors, a collection of 17 tents in a breathtaking setting. If you love the Big Cat Diary of the BBC, this is where you have to book – they turn a lot down the Mara River.

Loisaba is a small lodge with views of the Laikipia plateau. Each of the seven stone cottages has a magnificent view, as does the main building with its dining room that can be poured outside if needed and its living room with fireplace. From a distance and luxurious, take a look at it if you are looking for a luxury safari with solid accommodation.

Borana is another great choice for people who prefer to sleep near walls rather than canvas. Borana is both a game reserve and a cattle ranch, offering views of the foothills of Mount Kenya. There is a lot of game here – lions, wild dogs, elephants – but you probably will not see another tourist.

If you like the idea of ​​safaris of yesteryear, Ol Seki is the ideal choice. Its eight spacious tents have an extremely modern design, but their form of mini circus tents, their beautiful linen interior and their brass telescopes will make you think of soft helmets. Ol Seki has a reputation for eating well and eating well

Hemingways Resort is a laid-back beach offering simple yet chic accommodation and delicious food. Spend your days at the beach and practice a variety of water sports before enjoying the beautiful sunset view.

Msambweni House and Private Villas, set on beautiful white sand, offers stylish accommodation with four posters and a large pool. In addition, you can ask their private chefs to prepare anything you want!

Kopje Private House Elsa is a two-bedroom lodge with Arabic-style interiors and stunning views of the surrounding area. An intimate stay with private pools and Meru National Park on your doorstep.

Hit the beaches of Kenya

For luxury on the Kenyan coast, one of the best places to stay in Kenya is Alfajiri, an isolated group of just three villas with private beach access and many local activities. However, do not settle for the word of our guru, Brad and Angelina recently congratulated Alfajiri on their presence. They have stayed in the Cliff Villa, which has its own infinity pool and unlimited access to the world-class golf course.

For a home like stay we recommend Diani House. Accommodating up to 12 people, this hotel was once the colonial home of the Archer family. It is now run as a very laid back four-bedroom hotel. You are close to the beach and yet you are surrounded by greenery in a coastal forest, making outdoor dining all the more charming.

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